Wednesday, August 29, 2007

More great reading on Alternative Learning Programs

HomeSchool Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) calls them Home-Based Charter Schools. Read here as to why ALPs are opposed by the legal entity whose sole purpose is to defend our homeschooling rights.

Friday, August 24, 2007

The Seduction of Washington State Homeschoolers

I came upon two articles that addressed (so much better than I ever could have) my concern with the explosion of Alternative Learning Programs and how they are deceptively being targeted to homeschoolers here in Washington State. Two of the most well-know are Washington Virtual Academy (WAVA) and Columbia Virtual Academy (CVA), but there are other, local programs that are very similar. These programs are causing a rift among homeschoolers and that is just what the program administrators are hoping for. If we are against each other then we cannot work together to keep homeschooling the success that it currently is.

If you are considering WAVA or CVA, please read the laws. I want you to know and fully understand that by participating in either of these programs you are NOT recognized under our state laws as a homeschooler. You may also be jeopardizing the rights of those not succumbing to the temptation of the measly pittance being offered. Think I'm being overly cautious or even dramatic?

Carefully read this spectacular article by Chris Cardiff making sure not to skip Janice Hedin's intro. Also consider this most excellent piece written by Carolyn Forte. This is a VERY slippery slope we could be headed down. Are you sure you want to help take us there?